Diletta Leotta, Sicilian Luca Melilli’s signature on her 28th birthday party

The Sicilian party for Diletta Leotta’s 28th birthday bears the signature of Luca Melilli from Comisano, a wedding designer and event planner at the head of Panta Rhei, an agency that for 14 years has been transforming its clients’ dreams into reality by making any happening unique.

Melilli is not alone in this adventure. At his side is floral designer Franco Cannata. Two opposites who complement each other and whose collaboration has even resulted in a web series entitled “Tutto Esaudito” that reveals the backstage of weddings “by Panta Rhei” and whose second season from social media could land on TV.

The volcanic Sicilian has a particularly busy few months behind him. Among the highlights already on his CV is the organisation of the poolside party following the awarding of director Oliver Stone at the ‘Taormina Film Fest’. The party, held at the Excelsior Palace in Taormina, involved 200 friends of the filmmaker.

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